5 Super Foods for Super Grades - The Energy Snack

By: Jessica Loke
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Super Food 3 - What is the Energy Snack to have? 


Does your child get hungry often in the middle of the day or while studying? Does he then snack away on donuts, ice cream, chocolates, sweets or chips? But after that, he still ends up hungry and feels even more tired? This is what is called the Energy Crash!

This how his blood sugar affects his body after he eats a lot of sugary food.

So, what should he be snacking on instead so that he can feel full, have his brain charged up and his body kept on energetic mode? 

Here’s some examples of great Energy Snacks.

High-grain muesli bar, low fat yogurt, mixed unsalted nuts (almonds, cashews, or walnuts), banana muffins and fruit smoothies! Yum!

And if he loves bananas, spread some almond butter on it and roll it in crushed nuts! His brain and
body will thank you for this energy boost!

Another Super Food as an Energy Snack is Blueberries. These delicious berries have one of the highest antioxidants count and antioxidants are great protection for the brains. They can be eaten frozen or made into smoothies or added to breakfast oats. Researchers at the University of Reading have found that eating blueberries improves both short and long-term memory (Whyte, A. & Williams, C. 2014).

However, due to the amount of pesticides in fruits and vegetables these days, you would want to ensure you eat fruits and vegetables that are organic, or at least cleaned using a Food Washing Machine (bet you didn't know there are such gadgets). This can clean the pesticides residue off from the fruits.

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Posted on 24/03/2016

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