Guide for Listing

Merchant’s Guide for Listing on LearnSuperMart

  1. Go to


  1. Click on Register on the top right-hand corner to register for a Merchant account. Follow the instructions to verify your email and login to your new account.

Create A New Listing

  1. You can start creating your listing by keying in your business’ details. Go ahead and be as promotional as you want (this is your listing after all).
  2. Key in your Title of Listing, e.g. “LearnSuperMart – All Your Learning Needs Here”.
  3. Upload a Thumbnail to represent your business. It can be your logo or a photo of yourself.
  4. Select your Type of business. If you are listing your centre, select Learning Centre. If you are listing yourself, select either Tutor or Coach. You can select the other options as required.
  5. Choose all the appropriate Audience Age for your business. Don't select those that your business doesn't cater to. Your viewers will narrow their searches based on this field.
  6. Depending on which Audience Age you have opted for, choose up to 3 Specialties of your business. This is also another field that your viewers may search using to locate your listing.
  7. Key in appropriate Tags according to your business. This field is optional.
  8. Select the Location that your business is located (for centres) or the areas you serve (for tutors). 
  9. Key in a Full Description of your business or service. Be as creative as your need and don't hold back. This is probably what viewers will be spending their most time on. Note that this field will be shown only after your viewer has clicked on your listing. Also, it will not be shown on a Free Trial Listing.
  10. Key in a Summary of your business or service. Be specific and put in attention-grabbing keywords here, because this is what your viewer will see together with your Title and Thumbnail. This field is optional by the way.
  11. Enter your Website URL. This field is optional.
  12. Enter all the Social Media links that you own.
  13. Enter the Email Address for your viewers to contact you.
  14. Enter the Contact for your viewers to contact you.
  15. Enter your business Address. This field is optional.
  16. Enter an indication of the Price of your service. 
  17. You can then upload up to 8 images as your Photo Gallery. This is shown together with the Full Description, so Trial Listings unforunately do not display these images.
  18. Once you are done, click on  SAVE AND PREVIEW LISTING . Don't worry. If you made a mistake, you can always amend your listing details later.

Preview Listing Details

  1. Take a look at your Listing Details. This is what your viewer will see if they click on your listing. If you aren't satisfied, you can amend your listing by clicking on EDIT MY LISTING.
  2. If everything is in order, click on  I AM READY TO CHOOSE A PLAN .
  3. If you just want to try out our services for a couple of months, you can also opt for a Trial Listing. However, many of your business details will not be shown. 

Choose A Plan

  1. You can choose among 3 of our plans - Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly, by clicking on the corresponding image. Many other merchants opted for the Yearly Plan for up to 59% savings in their listing plan. You should too!
  2. You can then top up your listing with a Featured Listing that shows your business prominently on the home page as well as strategically by the Search bars!
  3. You also have the option to top up your listing with a Star Listing that will automatically list you on top of most searches!
  4. Once everything is set, click on  I AM READY TO PUBLISH MY LISTING 

Review Your Payment

  1. Review your payment amount and details. Key in your Redemption Code if you have one.
  2. Finally, click  PAY NOW 
  3. Follow the instructions to complete your payment through PayPal and wait for us to vet through your listing.

That's it! We promise to vet through your listing within 24 hours, so that your viewers will see your listing as early as possible.

If you have any queries, email them to We'll be happy to help you!

Have a great year ahead listing at LearnSuperMart!

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