14 Closely Guarded Tips For Conquering Cloze Passages

By: Rosalind Ong
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Day 14: Checking My Answers

Hi, I’m Teacher Rosalind from Fun Language Learning. This is the fourteenth article of the 14 Closely Guarded Cloze Tips  series brought to you by LearnSuperMart and Fun Language Learning.

As a bilingual specialist, I help Primary and Secondary school students achieve their desired grades in English and Chinese by guiding them to develop effective language learning strategies and skills.

1. Now that you know how to use Languages and Background Clues to help you, you can choose your words wisely. However, it is easy to become complacent and move on to another section of your paper. Before you do that, read through the whole passage one more time. You might catch some careless mistakes or think of better words.


2. What should you check?

a)   Tenses

Focus on the verbs when you are checking for tenses. Sometimes, the text can have a mixture of tenses. Refer to the Do You Know section in Day 6.

b)   Agreement

A verb must agree with the subject it is attached to.

The boys are having fun.

Jane, as well as her siblings, is having fun.

Either the girls or Jason has volunteered to help.

c)   Word form

A word can take on many forms. For instance:









You need to check the part of speech of the word in the sentence.

d)    Spelling

It is a pity to know the word but spell it wrongly.

Wrong spelling

Correct spelling










3. Try this:

Play is so important to child development that it has been 1) regconised as a right of every child. It is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact in the world around them. Play 2) allow children to create and explore a world they can master, 3) conquer their fears while practising adult roles, sometimes in conjunction 4) to other children or adult caregivers.

Adapted from:




Visit fllacademy.com or like Fun Language Learning Facebook Page for more language learning resources.

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Posted on 08/10/2017

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