How To Nail Challenging Science Questions That Many Students Fumble On? Question 1

By: Shirleen
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1. Question:

  1. Which fruit, A or B, is likely to be dispersed by animals? Explain why.

  2. State an advantage of seed dispersal for the plant. 

2. Topic(s):

Living & Non Living Things

3. Key words:

(a) A, B, dispersed by animals, a reason

(b) an advantage, seed dispersal

4. Answer:

1. Fruit B. When passing animals comes into contact with the fruit, the fruit hooks or clings onto the fur or hair, which is then carried further away from the parent plant.  

2. The young will not compete with the parent plant for water, nutrients, sunlight and space.

5. Tip(s):

Student tends to overlook giving a reason for the answer. Read carefully.

Think of the key word “overcrowding” to link.


Want the other Science series on 20 science misconceptions neatly consolidated in one PDF Booklet to revise with your child before her exams?

The "20 Primary School Science Misconceptions" PDF Booklet contains 29 pages of information to dispel common Science myths that cause many children to make mistakes in their exams.

We still have another Science title in the series that you have to get - the "Top 12 Tips for Primary School Science" PDF Booklet. It reveals 12 of the most tried-and-tested Primary School Science tips in 32 colourful pages.

Both titles are available at only $2.99 each.

Get them today so that you can immediate use the tips to revise with your child.






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Posted on 18/10/2016

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